Eric “Wingman” Peterson verlässt CIG
Es war in der letzten Zeit schon recht ruhig um Eric “Wingman” Peterson geworden, doch die Gerüchte wurden von Ihm und seitens CIG stets dementiert, dass er CIG verlassen würde.
Nun hat er sich allerdings auf Reddit mit einem Abschiedsbrief an die Community gewendet, worin er sein Ausscheiden erklärt.
Hello fellow citizens!
There have been a lot of rumors going around about me lately, as it seems you can’t fly a ship in the verse without someone floating a new “Where’s Wingman” conspiracy theory. I have had a good time following along with some of those, many of them very inventive, but that is not why I am here talking with everyone today.
When Chris, myself and a few others sat down to discuss Star Citizen there was a plan of having the bulk of the team in Austin and a strike team in LA. However, it became quite the burden on Chris to travel back and forth to Austin every month, especially when we grew our plans and added extra studios and people. Frankly, it became an impossible task for Chris to manage his time and all the studios efficiently. So it was decided that for the good of the project we would need to consolidate the senior leads around Chris in the LA office.
Which brings us to here. The situation was pretty obvious, my position would need to be in the LA office.
Now, this is not a simple decision for me. I love this game, and I love all of you as you have made Star Citizen what it is to date, you are like my second family, a community that feels as passionately about this game as I do and that is a wonderful thing, for which I am truly grateful. However, my family (Hotwing, SixWing and Winglet) are rooted in Austin and they are clearly my top priority in any major decision. So, as I pondered the choice it became increasingly clear that the right one was for me to step aside from my role at CIG.
I have enjoyed more than anything being part of this adventure, from the early days of the campaign to doing Wingman’s hangar live in the basement to watching our team and the game grow with the passion of all the Citizens. Truly a mind blowing adventure, and one I have been proud to have been a small part of, but now I must be taking up my new role as cheerleader and dedicated (Golden ticket holding – oh yeah baby) backer.
I will still be around in the forums and in the chat roll with my fellow chatrollians – I will be right there alongside everyone else flying our ships, and enjoying the ride as Star Citizen and Squadron 42 continue to change the world of development.
I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me along the way. I have had the best time of my life meeting folks at events, in coffee shops, biergartens, conferences, airports, heck all over really – if you happen to see me somewhere, please stop by to say hello, as it is a thrill every time I get to meet other Citizens in person and share stories, or anecdotes about development, the game or (REDACTED). 🙂 And I will still pop into some events when I have some time.
And, if you want to see what I am up to next, please come join my new forums at: A temporary name for sure.
So, before I start to cry, there is really only one things left to say…..
See you all “in the verse”
Eric “Wingman” Peterson
Zusammengefasst war der Plan anfangs, dass sich in Austin das CIG Hauptquartier befindet und Wingman dort seiner Position vollends gerecht werden könnte. Im laufe der Zeit hat sich aber, auch weil Chris Roberts sehr oft nach Austin reisen musste, das Office in Santa Monica als Hauptquartier etabliert und Eric´s Position wäre dann dort von Nöten gewesen. Da seine Familie in Austin allerdings an erster Stelle steht und er der weiteren Star Citizen Entwicklung nicht im Weg stehen möchte, entscheid er sich dazu bei CIG zu kündigen.
Er dankt uns allen für die unvergessliche Zeit und wird uns zumindest weiter im RSI Forum / Chat und vielleicht auch bei zukünftigen Events über den Weg laufen. Sein nächstes Projekt ist schon gestartet und kann unter besucht werden. Er scheint von der Spiele-Industrie nicht los zu kommen und plant allem Anschein nach die Gründung eines neuen Studios.
Zu guter letzt bleibt uns nur noch übrig, DANKE zu sagen, für 72 wahnsinnig tolle Episoden von Wingman´s Hangar und der für CIG und schließlich Star Citizen geleisteten Arbeit.
See you in the verse!
Quelle: Reddit